NHV Natural Pet Products ES Clear™ for dogs & cats (癌症)



  • All-natural ES-Clear helps manage the symptoms of cancer in pets. This vet-formulated supplement will support your pet’s overall immunity, health, and well-being.

    全天然 ES-Clear 有助於控制寵物的癌症症狀。這獸醫配方的補充劑將加強您寵物的整體免疫力、健康和幸福感。

    • Helps to naturally support the detoxification of your pet’s vitals
    • Promotes improved quality of life, vitality, and energy levels for your pet
    • Helps balance a pet’s compromised immune system

Use ES-Clear in conjunction with traditional or holistic pet cancer treatments, including nutritional therapy to help improve your pet’s quality of life. With the right nutrition, supplementation, holistic cancer therapy, and vet prescribed treatment, your pets can live for many years with a cancer diagnosis.

ES Clear also:

  • Promotes digestion and helps with your pet’s appetite
  • Supports hemoglobin levels while eliminating toxins
  • Helps the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system naturally
  • Gently removes toxins from your pet’s body

It is heartbreaking to learn that your pet has cancer. ES-Clear was created to help pet parents naturally support their pets’ cancer treatment plan prescribed by their veterinarian. It was designed to balance your dog’s immune system, ease the discomfort associated with cancer in pets, and help improve appetite and energy levels.

Benefits of Using NHV’s ES-Clear

Living with cancer can be draining on your dog’s body. With a specially formulated blend of herbs, ES-Clear helps balance immune function and reverse the buildup of toxins.

Natural herbs work synergistically to support the body while helping to minimize the side effects of cancer treatment. You can read Ranger’s story of his battle with cancer, and find out how he’s doing today.

NHV’s ES-Clear can be safely used with conventional treatment for cancer in dogs as a natural supporting supplement. Talk to your vet about using it as part of holistic treatment for your dog’s cancer


Burdock (牛蒡) is a healthy food and is also considered one of the most nutritive herbs. Burdock is high in calcium, iron, riboflavin, phosphorous and thiamine. The herb, Burdock supports the liver and help cleanse and improve blood quality. It has been used historically to help with any type of metabolic disorder that may be due to the body’s inability to eliminate toxins. Studies have shown that burdock has free-radical scavenging properties.

Sheep’s Sorrel (羊酢漿草) is an excellent source of vitamin A, B complex, and C, D, E, K, and minerals. Sheep’s Sorrel has been used to treat cancer and other degenerative diseases. This herb helps boost the immune system. Sheep’s Sorrel contains beta-carotene which is high in antioxidants, which helps increase the production of white blood cells and T-cells.

Slippery Elm(赤榆) helps eliminate toxins and waste by lubricating the digestive tract. Slippery Elm is high in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, as well as sodium and vitamins. Slippery Elm contains anti-inflammatory properties, and aids in soothing irritations of the stomach.

Chinese Rhubarb(大黃) has astringent properties, which help with appetite and is also beneficial in helping the body eliminate toxins. It also helps the body by helping to improve bile flow of the liver and gallbladder function, while building and cleaning the blood.

To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.

Pet’s Weight Dosage

0 – 15 lb = 0.5 ml

16 – 30 lb = 1.0 ml

31 – 45 lb = 1.5 ml

46 – 60 lb = 2.0 ml

61 – 75 lb = 2.5 ml

Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml



