NHV Natural Pet Products IBD and Diarrhea Super Support for dogs & cats



Is your pet losing weight, feeling lethargic, or having irregular bathroom habits? They may be suffering from a common gastrointestinal issue known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Our vet-formulated IBD and Diarrhea Super Support Kit contains a blend of natural ingredients known to help soothe the GI tract and help relieve symptoms like nausea, cramping, and watery stools in pets.

  • May help maintain healthy intestinal gut flora
  • Beneficial for pets with IBD, colitis, gastroenteritis, and other digestive disorders
  • Contains herbs that are known for their anti-inflammatory and carminative properties
  • May help with diarrhea and helps maintain normal bowel function

Natural Remedies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Dogs and Cats with Additional Diarrhea Support

Typically with inflammatory bowel disease in dogs and cats, your vet will likely recommend a change in diet (since the underlying cause may be related to food allergies). They may prescribe medications and possible nutritional therapy. Our IBD and Diarrhea Super Support Kit contains TumFlora and Plantaeris. These two formulations work together to promote gut health and effective digestion, as well as ease common symptoms of IBD in pets like diarrhea and cramping. Both natural IBD supplements can be taken alongside vet-prescribed medications (though we do recommend spacing the supplements and medication by 2 hours to be easier on your little one).

If you are interested in a gut-friendly nutrition plan, or inflammatory bowel disease diet recommendations for dogs, NHV’s in-house vet Dr. Amanda can work with you to create a personalized plan for your pet’s unique needs.

How NHV Supplements Relieve Diarrhea and Irritable Bowel Disease in Pets

Pets may occasionally experience diarrhea or an upset tummy because maybe they ate too quickly, not enough, or something didn’t quite sit right. But consistent runny poos are an alarm bell that something is going on with their digestive health.

TumFlora : contains ingredients like chamomilelicorice root, and ashwagandha, which have been used for centuries to help ease indigestion, muscle cramping and inflammation in the intestinal tract. This balanced IBD pet supplement also contains herbs like Indian gooseberry and fennel seed which may help reduce nausea and encourage healthy movement through the bowels. TumFlora also helps naturally balance intestinal gut flora and can be used alongside probiotics for dogs or cats.

Plantaeris: contains a blend of herbs that work gently and quickly to help alleviate diarrhea and loose stools. Herbs like barberry and bayberry contain soothing properties to help control diarrhea-causing bacteria and control infection. This blend is well-balanced with ingredients like myrrh, and thyme, which may help to expel gas and may promote healing and relief for overall digestive discomfort.

Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated, and vet approved. 


TumFlora for pets

Ashwagandha has been used for over millennia in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and restorative properties.

Boswellia is beneficial for ringworm, diarrhea, liver issues. Studies are also showing promising results when used for easing symptoms of IBD and asthma.

Chamomile has soothing properties to help expel gas and reduce vomiting caused by IBD. Its sedative and calming properties are helpful for digestive issues like IBD in dogs and cats.

Fennel has anti-inflammatory and carminative properties that help to relax spasms, and help relieve cramping as well as encourage healthy appetite.

Indian Gooseberry has a long history of use in Ayurveda for a range of issues, including easing diarrhea, nausea and heartburn.

Licorice is an herb with an affinity for the digestive, respiratory, and endocrine systems. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to ease tissue damage, relieve flatulence and help to decrease bloating.

Marshmallow is a soothing herb whose anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial support for GI tract conditions like inflammatory bowel disease in dogs and other pets, gastroenteritis, ulcerative colitis, enteritis are more.

Oregon Grape acts as a mild diuretic and laxative to help ease indigestion. It also contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties to help eliminate infections.

Slippery Elm contains a range of beneficial nutrients that may help decrease symptoms of diarrhea, colitis and gastritis.

Plantaeris for pets

Barberry has a long history of use for soothing inflammation, easing diarrhea, and helping to eliminate infections in the intestines.

Bayberry contains tannins, resins, and gums that are effective at fighting bacterial infections and aiding with diarrhea.

Chamomile has been used for centuries as a digestive tonic to soothe digestive discomfort and encourage healing.

Chinese Peony contains healing properties to help relax muscle spasms and stomach discomfort.

Ginger is rich in enzymes that encourage digestion, circulation and improve intestinal muscle tone.

Mullein is an herb known to help soothe and lubricate the GI tract, as well as help to relieve diarrhea and cramps.

Myrrh is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which offer relief for overall digestive discomfort and add immune support.

Oregon Grape is beneficial for stimulating bile flow (may improve digestion) encourage the digestion of nutrients.

Thyme is beneficial for helping to relieve intestinal gas and for expelling foreign bodies such as parasites

To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.

Pet’s Weight Dosage

0 – 15 lb = 0.5 ml

16 – 30 lb = 1.0 ml

31 – 45 lb = 1.5 ml

46 – 60 lb = 2.0 ml

61 – 75 lb = 2.5 ml

Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml



