NHV Natural Pet Products Lymphoma Gold Support for dogs & cats (淋巴癌症)



A holistic super pack of natural vet-formulated pet remedies designed to help your pet with the battle against lymphoma. Can be taken alongside conventional treatment for lymphoma in dogs and cats or alone as holistic support.


  • Supports your cat or dog’s body with detoxification, and may help scavenge free radicals
    Encourages detoxification of the lymphatic system
  • Helps support the kidneys, which is essential in maintaining your pet’s health and ability to cope with lymphoma
  • 幫助及支持腎臟,這對於維持寵物的健康和應對淋巴瘤的能力非1重要

These 100% natural supplements help balance pets immune systems and improve their quality of life.


Overall Cancer Support For Pets

  • Supports healthy healing of feline and canine cancers, such as lymphoma
  • Promotes improved quality of life and long term health for your pet
  • Supports your cat or dog’s body with detoxification, and may help scavenge free radicals
  • Helps ease the discomfort experienced with cancer in cats and dogs


Helps support your pet’s lymph system

  • Encourages detoxification of the lymphatic system
  • Helps encourage proper function of the lymphatic system
  • Helps fight against viral infections and bacterial microorganisms
  • Increases your pet’s ability to fight infections & balances the immune system
  • Helps increase energy levels and stimulates the appetite


Supports the kidneys

  • Helps support the kidneys, which is essential in maintaining your pet’s health and ability to cope with lymphoma
    Helps rid the body of toxins
  • Contains herbs that are anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants, and nutritive
  • Helps with inflammation of the body
  • Helps improve the lymph and urinary tract systems

Lymphoma in cats and dogs is one of the most common cancers to be diagnosed in pets. It is a malignant cancer of the lymphatic system.

What is Lymphoma in Cats and Dogs?

Sadly, lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in both cats and dogs. In cats, it can be related to the Feline Leukemia virus.To learn more about lymphoma in cats and dogs, please visit our blog here.

Are Some Pets More at Risk of Getting Lymphoma?

  • Cats that have feline leukemia virus
  • Cats that have feline immunodeficiency virus
  • Pets living in conditions with second hand smoke
  • Pets with chronic inflammatory conditions
  • Pets with genetic predisposition

Find out more about the link between leukemia and lymphoma in pets with Dr. Hillary Cook’s blog which is part of an informative vet talk series.

What Causes Lymphatic Cancer in Pets?

  • Viral infections
  • Herbicides
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Poor immune function

To learn more about lymphoma in pets, read our blog.

How is Lymphoma Treated

Conventional treatment involves using chemotherapy which can be devastating to the body’s immune system. You can read more about this on the Journal of Small Animal Practice and the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. Many pet parents choose palliative treatment, which involves supportive, symptomatic care.

Can These Herbal Remedies be Used in Conjunction with Chemotherapy?

Yes. Herbal remedies are completely safe to be taken in conjunction with conventional medicine. They are natural and are safe for long term use.

Incorporating supplements as part of a holistic treatment for lymphoma in dogs and cats will help to combat the side effects from conventional treatment such as chemotherapy, which suppresses the immune system, causing oxidative stress to occur. As the lymph system is complex, it is also important to help boost and support immune function while addressing the cardiovascular and lymph systems.

How will These Herbal Remedies Help my Pet?

Lymphoma Gold Support contains three vital supplements to help your pet’s lymphatic system and kidneys as well as aiding in appetite which can also suffer when undergoing chemotherapy.

  1. NHV’s ES-Clear – This powerful support system helps to purify the blood, eliminate toxins and improve appetite.
  2. NHV’s Felimm – A potent supplement that helps detoxify the lymphatic system, and helps to fight viral infections as well as bacterial microorganisms.
  3. NHV’s Tripsy – This highly effective supplement contains herbs that help with digestion and malabsorption as well as having discomfort relieving properties.

Strengthening the body using supplements as part of holistic lymphoma treatment for cats and dogs will balance an altered immune system and give your pet the ammunition needed to fight, just like Scout did in his Triumphant Tail of survival. See these other pet success stories:



Burdock (牛蒡) is a healthy food and is also considered one of the most nutritive herbs. Burdock is high in calcium, iron, riboflavin, phosphorous and thiamine. The herb, Burdock supports the liver and help cleanse and improve blood quality. It has been used historically to help with any type of metabolic disorder that may be due to the body’s inability to eliminate toxins. Studies have shown that burdock has free-radical scavenging properties.

Sheep’s Sorrel (羊酢漿草) is an excellent source of vitamin A, B complex, and C, D, E, K, and minerals. Sheep’s Sorrel has been used to treat cancer and other degenerative diseases. This herb helps boost the immune system. Sheep’s Sorrel contains beta-carotene which is high in antioxidants, which helps increase the production of white blood cells and T-cells.

Slippery Elm(赤榆) helps eliminate toxins and waste by lubricating the digestive tract. Slippery Elm is high in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, as well as sodium and vitamins. Slippery Elm contains anti-inflammatory properties, and aids in soothing irritations of the stomach.

Chinese Rhubarb(大黃) has astringent properties, which help with appetite and is also beneficial in helping the body eliminate toxins. It also helps the body by helping to improve bile flow of the liver and gallbladder function, while building and cleaning the blood.


St. John’s Wort (聖約翰草) is a potent antiviral that helps control viral infections and stimulates your cat’s immune system.

Turmeric (薑黃) is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight the damaging effects of free radicals. It strengthens liver function and contains strong antifungal properties.

Aloe Vera (蘆薈) contains high levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients that are important for pets with immune disorders.

Alfalfa (紫花苜蓿) contains high levels of chlorophyll, which works as an antioxidant in your pet’s bloodstream. It also contains nutrients beneficial to pets with immune disorders.

Burdock (牛蒡) helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste that accumulate during illness. It is also high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin.

Cat’s Claw (貓爪草) is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that supports your pet’s immune system and helps strengthen their defenses against viruses like leukemia.

Osha is a natural immune builder that helps pets fight infections including FeLV and FIV. It also has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Dandelion (蒲公英) is a highly nutritious food that stimulates liver secretion, improves digestion and stimulates appetite. It also protects the kidneys and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Gotu Kola (積雪草) is an antioxidant-rich herb known to strengthen the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Usnea (松蘿) is an immune system stimulant with anti-bacterial and antifungal properties that help protect your pet’s weakened immune system from Candida Albicans.

Goldenseal (白毛茛根) is an immune supporting herb with blood cleansing properties.

Myrrh (沒藥) helps control bacterial infections that pets with compromised immune systems are so vulnerable to.


Stone Root (石根) acts as a tonic for the capillaries and prevents the formation of kidney calculi.

Parsley Piert (野斗蓬草) aids digestion and is also used to aid fever, kidney stones, bladder stones, and fluid retention.

Echinacea Purpurea (紫錐菊) contains strong immune-stimulating properties.

Gravel Root (礫石根) restores and cleanses the genitourinary (reproductive and urinary) organs.

Hydrangea (繡球花) is a discomfort reliever that increases the flow of urine and eliminates swelling and fluid retention.

Marshmallow (药蜀葵) is an anti-inflammatory that controls bacterial infections and soothes and softens irritated tissues.

Oregon Grape (俄勒岡葡萄) helps relieve indigestion and malabsorption and also has antibiotic and immunostimulatory properties.

.To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.

Pet’s Weight Dosage

0 – 15 lb = 0.5 ml

16 – 30 lb = 1.0 ml

31 – 45 lb = 1.5 ml

46 – 60 lb = 2.0 ml

61 – 75 lb = 2.5 ml

Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml



